Sunday, July 6, 2014

On Silence

This was really helpful as a point of understanding for me.  It makes ever so much more sense than endless references solely to the burning times, but also for those of us who have a tendency to want to try to process using language, as I do here, and given lost and maybe not lost posts, often fail at.

In particular:
Quite simply, talking about shit ruins the magic. The numinous doesn’t survive contact with language very well. Oftimes trying to articulate events occurring in a magical space, or any experience of Gnosis, or numinous experience into conventional language just renders away so much of the power of the experience. (zerosociety)
Some experiences cannot be pinned down verbally; they must be dealt with internally, muddled over, considered, in the beauty of silence. (theheadlesshashasheen)
There are things that are experiential in nature that cannot be communicated or processed in any other way, which is why doing and experiencing is a critical component of so many things, learning included.  Is the synthesis of knowledge, and all of the senses that creates understanding.

Trying to find the balance between those things that can be articulated as part of processing and synthesizing and those that can't is a challenge.  And while I've let this aspect of my world lie fallow for many years, I feel I have a lot of catch up to do, and yet so much is familiar.  Integrating and deepening understanding and experience, practice, practice, and practice.

Have had some thoughts about systems theory as a direction I need to do some exploration around, as well as other things.  All The Things!  But marathon, not sprint. And as I'm drifting how, time to drift along...

Edited to add, and of course theheadlesshashasheen has additional elucidating insights...

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