Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Not really, but it's easy for me to get sidetracked away from the 'Saganist' side of my sense of awe of The Universe to the use of mythology to explore and better understand human experience.

I just came across this quote:
“The brain is a sparkling field of rhythmic flashing points with trains of traveling sparks hurrying hither and thither. It is as if the Milky Way is engaging in a cosmic dance. The cortex is an enchanted loom where millions of flashing shuttles weave a dissolving pattern, always a meaningful pattern though never a lasting one; with a shifting harmony of entrancing subpatterns.” --Charles Sherrington
For the last month? Two months?  I've been wandering around the internet late at night looking for, and even sometimes finding, information that resonates with me on Hekate.  More recently that has shifted to Athena as I have come to find that I, for the time being, have come to a sense of comfort with Hekate, and am finding that the qualities presented by Athena are areas in my life where I have need to focus some attention (strategy? civility? patterned technology? independent woman functioning in a strongly masculine sphere of influence?  Oh. Hell. Yes).

I don't actually "believe in" embodied gods/goddesses, but I find their attributes and affinities (codified social "energy"?) useful in identifying situational frameworks that enable (or are disabling and require modification, in some cases) functional behavior patterns.  Sometimes that starts slipping away from me, towards how to placate or ensure favor from something and that is simply not the relationship that I find fruitful or "awesome", in the awe-inspired sense, of my relationship to The Universe.

I am an animist, of a sort, in that every single thing that exists, exists as a unique expression of The Universe expressing itself through creativity and as such is imbued with a transitory, shifting life cycle state of being. Things are expressions of their Platonic ideal. Through this creative expression, spaces can have a genius loci, less in the literal sense of the word, but in that sense of character of a space.

Where am I going here.  I guess I'm just finding a pausing point to catch my breath, find my compass, reground to what I find literally awesome about The Universe, and what I find "merely" helpful in identifying and understanding situational anthropomorphic relationships and frameworks for best practices attributes and jumpstarting creative troubleshooting by accessing pattern libraries.  And to pause and be amazed at the complexity and the beauty in the natural world where I can crudely approximate the beauty and creativity of The Universe by weaving a recycled clothing rug for the bottom of my stairs or a silk and wool table runner, while my cortex contemplating all this has "millions of flashing shuttles weave a dissolving pattern...; with a shifting harmony of entrancing subpatterns.”

So many threads to follow here and yet, a different weaving/work project calls.

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