Friday, April 11, 2014

March Homework

(Answering questions not captured here)... Starting with the thing I think I want to prioritize as most important first:

3. Recognition that we all have our own personal practices and beliefs, that we all bring something unique to the table to share that the rest of us can learn from, enjoy vicariously if we can't/don't access The Universe, God/dess/es, Kami, Devas, Loas (and respectfully All The Rest) in the same ways our fellow travelers can/do is a powerful reminder that we are strengthened through our diversity.  In building out strong groups of people, one looks to balance one's weakness (not quite the word I'm looking for) with others' complementary strengths -- why should spiritual practice be any different?

1. My idea is that witch is defined by the person claiming the title.  A coven is a group of people who choose to practice/celebrate together.  I feel that many very effectively dismiss a broad swath of witches with 'western Europe' and '="Wicca"' in a way that I find pretty disrespectful, right off the bat. I don't care if a root worker or shaman or anyone else and/or self-identifies as a witch.  I tend to think of witch as one who works in liminal spaces, outside a context of 'mainstream', I think you can be a witch and not a pagan and vice versa or both/and.  Some witches have a tendency to ritualize intent to accomplish something which then is followed by significant elbow grease to get the job done (and now and again The Universe kicks us a freebie that makes us look/feel good).

2. The code of ethics, down with it conceptually. The framing of this in pseudo/archaic language and framing sets my teeth on edge, possibly irrationally so.  It makes it significantly more difficult for me to take seriously.  Possibly why I haven't bought any books on the topic matter save one or two on recommendation from deeply trusted friends in a long time... There's so much tooth on edge to wade through to get to what are often pretty useful ideas and practices. Perfect love and perfect trust... Somehow either I managed to entirely tune this out until the teen witch phenomena of the mid-90's or glossed over it because gleefully anti-authoritarian solitary reasons. Gonna roll with 'assume the best' and move right along!

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