"Leadership is not just required from people in leadership positions, it is required of every one. -- Katrina MessengerThursday was the first day of a course I'm taking called Mastering Leadership. Ostensibly it's mostly work-related, but also kinda not. The first video they showed was this one:
http://youtu.be/uAy6EawKKME. It's by Dwayne Dudly on Leadership Everywhere and you should go watch it because it's good. You never know when you are going lead someone somewhere they didn't know they needed to go.
Much of the rest of the course will be about self-awareness, acting in accordance with that self-awareness with intention, and accountability. For folks who are part of CAYA, this should sound like a familiar refrain.
We started with a minute of mindfulness. A "check in". I can't remember if there was a minute of reflection at the end, but there was a corresponding "check out".
In my practice, right action requires clarity of intent & accountability, at least to myself, often to many others. I think this is going to be a good course. And it is obvious that it will be applicable to so much more than just work. The tricky dynamics of work will be where results are first and initially most powerfully observed, but, as leadership does, I have no doubt that it will appear elsewhere in my life as well. Already I'm testing theories, and had a tentative confirmation of theory.
It seems a little orthogonal to what this blog is ostensibly about, but... not really. CAYA's Ground of Being is Joyful Service. A leader is just someone helping a bunch of people get to where they're going. My other Joyful Service is in connecting people with the information they need to make changes in the world. In their lives. In The World. Librarianship is, I think, a calling as much as any other calling. I do librarianship sort of in a background sort of way, by enabling access to electronic resources, and at this point I do that by leading and coordinating teams of people to assist in that end goal.
One of the early discussion points Thursday was about approach to life. There are three ways you can approach life. (There might be a humorous fourth, but it seemed a group serious about their participation and I didn't feel it would be appropriate to bring it up in the moment...).
- Do-Have-Be: I do this, so I can have that, so I can be something (being follows doing/having).
- Have-Do-Be: I have this, so I can do that, so I can be something (being follows having/doing).
- Be-Do-Have: I am something so I do this which brings me that (being provides what one does/has).
- (The fourth is Do-Be-Do-Be-Do & it's a song and a dance of a life).
I am ever so curious to see where this journey leads. I am ever so curious to see what this year brings.