Monday, September 12, 2016

Leap and Let Go!

Yes, it's time for another Sisters of Fierceness production!  Now with even more help from our awesome Distance Dedicant team! 

Fall is in the air.  What trust the leaves must have to let go of the trees.  What trust the trees must have to let go of the leaves!  Everything cycles around again, change is the only consistency.  Our theme for the Equinox is Leap and Let Go! 

There comes a time in every journey when there is nothing more you can do but keep on going.  It is as far to return to where you came from as it is to get to wherever you're on the road to.  It reminds me of the time I took my sweet landlubber husband out kayaking in the Salish Sea.  Safely (to me) ensconced in one big bay comprised of two smaller bays, we were about half way across one of them when he says, "NOPE!  I'm done! We're too far out! I want to go back now!"  I was able to talk him into going to the far side of the bay & then paddling back to our starting point following much more close to the shoreline.  He wasn't ready to get out of the boat, just ready to get closer to land.   If we'd immediately gone back to the side closer to where we'd taken off, we'd have missed a huge part of the far bay that was well worth exploring and a really nice afternoon paddling around.  It was a moment of trust - he had to let go of the shore behind us (as far away as the other side was close), and refocus on and commit to getting to the far side.  Leap and let go!  

Our goddess this time is multiple aspects of Tara.  She who is ready to leap into action to assist us.  Fierce compassion.  As we let go, we all need compassion.  For ourselves, for any companions we meet on our road as well - we are all hitting a brand new curve where who knows what comes next!  Tara will help us.  OM TARA! OM TARA!